Artificial intelligence (AI) was primitive technology for decades, and hardly anyone could imagine what it was going to become. Today, machines already can learn and are not far from starting to think independently and even creatively. This can be applied in many fields such as marketing, sales, logistics, transportation, and many more.
The opportunities and benefits of utilizing AI in business are not yet completely understood, as well as the technology itself. I invite you to join me on the journey discovering the universe of Artificial intelligence.
Machine learning algorithms have been around for a while now. However, it’s only recently that the ability to conduct complex mathematical calculations with big data has been developed. This may sound complicated but look at the most recent examples of machine learning:
Self-driving cars: image processing plays an important role in allowing cars to drive by themselves. The algorithm used by machine learning learns if there’s a one-way traffic sign, a motionless object on the road ahead or another car is approaching. To do that it analyzes all frames taken by a video camera.
Spam filters: Through machine learning, spam filters learn to recognize whether an email is spam or non-spam. They base their choice on the subject and the content.
Recommendations: Amazon, Netflix and Facebook has already been using machine learning technology for a while to provide users recommendations that are highly relevant to them.
So, as you can see, machine learning, no matter how complex this technology is, has already been widely utilized. And there are still many opportunities not yet discovered. Challenge me with your idea and we’ll build an amazing product together.
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